What is IOT?
The IOT (Internet Of Things) is the interconnection between objects, places, an environment and the internet. This technology makes it possible to retrieve and analyze data via dedicated applications in order to meet needs in many fields such as agriculture, personal assistance, energy management, etc. A sensor transmits data over a wireless communication network. These are then used in IOT platforms.

A private cloud
All the data collected is stored in our two data centers. The data gathered through your captors is processed, analysed and saved on our side.
Our server architecture is optimized based on the use cases of your local authority. The data analysis will then allow to trigger alerts, predict breakdowns or display reports in dashboards. Our data centres ensure 99.95% availability of the infrastructure.

The SITEC IOT platform
This is the interface that allows you to view your data in real time, manage it, and perform actions on connected objects when possible.

Energy Saving
The deployment of our IoT solutions allows for a better control of energy consumption and supports detecting possible malfunctions. Electric meters reading sensors enable users to remotely monitor their electricity consumption.
This type of sensor is self-powered, configurable and is adapted to the needs of both individuals and companies.
For water, gas or thermal energy consumption, we use pulse sensors, which are ready-to-use radio transmitters allowing for remote reading of data.
Use Cases





Agricultural Development
Thanks to our non-intrusive and environmentally friendly sensors, it is now possible for farmers to leverage data related to their activity such as local weather, soil composition or water quality.
The deployment of this technology optimizes farming processes and improves resources management for sustainable development.
Use Cases

IR security

